Peter Ian Crawford is an anthropologist, publisher ( and filmmaker. He has been an active member of The Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA) since the late 1970s and is chairman of NAFA’s annual film selection committee. He is professor of visual anthropology at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. He has written extensively on visual anthropology and ethnographic filmmaking, his first major publication being Film as ethnography (Manchester University Press, 1992), edited with David Turton, and has wide experience in teaching the subject both theoretically and practically. In this seminar Peter Ian Crawford is showing examples from his own work in the fields of ethnographic film and visual anthropology over more than three decades, with a focus on his work in the long-term Reef Islands Ethnographic Film project, which started in 1994. The Master Class will be accompanied by screenings of three films made as result of this project. He will relate his own work to developments in ethnographic film happening since the early days of observational cinema, direct cinema and cinema verité in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He will also show clips from a current film project on Iberian pigs and the production of ham, so-called patanegra (blackfoot), in Extremadura, Spain, and give examples of the results of his teaching film and visual anthropology since the late 1980s.